Model of psychosocial dissonance in gender-age social groups (on the example of communicative-volitional mind components)



This article is dedicated to the analysis of the process of adaptation of an individual to social environment and to the elaboration of the psychosocial dissonance model. The author presents an analysis of different concepts and approaches, and considers the concept of cognitive dissonance introduced by L. Festinger, which from the author's point of view, does not account for the whole diversity of factors of social interaction. A generalized concept of psychosocial dissonance is introduced, which is understood as the discrepancy between the values of individual or group views and social norms of a reference group (society) that leads to mental discomfort, tension, conflict, which can either be manifested in psychosomatic reactions and the deviation of the individual (or group) or can encourage a personality or social group to creative self-development. The proposed nonlinear model of dissonance enables one, with the help of mathematical formulas, to describe the relationship of psychosocial characteristics of the individual, social groups, society, and also to investigate and predict social processes, to define proactive (strategic) form of prevention of social crisis. The results of experimental verification of mathematical models of psychosocial dissonance on the material of comparison of different gender-age social groups by indicators of levels of development of communicative-volitional qualities are presented.

General Information

Keywords: social interaction, psychosocial dissonance, the discrepancy of values, mental discomfort, tension, conflict, psychosomatics, personality deviation, nonlinear model of dissonance

Journal rubric: Mathematical Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Khalitov R.G. Model of psychosocial dissonance in gender-age social groups (on the example of communicative-volitional mind components). Eksperimental'naâ psihologiâ = Experimental Psychology (Russia), 2010. Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 135–146. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Rashid G. Khalitov, Research Officer of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education, RAE, e-mail:



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