The Use of a PECS-based Electronic Communication Application in Working with Children with Developmental Disabilities. Case Study



Objectives. The use of alternative and augmented communication in children and adults with developmental disabilities significantly improves the skills necessary for successful social adaptation and learning. The article analyzes the results of using the PECS IV+ tablet communication app in several children with different types of developmental disabilities. Methods. Three children with different types of developmental disabilities (including autism, cognitive impairments etc.) aged 5–6 years took part in this case study. Participants study in the preschool department of the “My Planet” Inclusive Center. To test the effects and effectiveness of using the PECS IV+ application, a multiple-baseline design was used. We analyzed the transition from the analog version of PECS to the tablet application. The dependent variables were the number mands (non-verbal request behavior) and episodes of problem behavior. In addition, we calculated the d-Cohen effect size for each participant. Results. The average number of requests increased in the intervention phase in two out of three participants, medium effect of changes between phases is recorded for all participants. In terms of the number of episodes of problem behavior, a significant decrease was detected in two of the participants. The strong size of the effect of changes in this parameter between phases was revealed in two of the three participants. Conclusion. The study suggests that when using the e-application, the study participants showed reductions in some types of undesirable behaviours, as well as successful requesting skills.

General Information

Keywords: alternative and augmentative communication, PECS, electronic communication devices, PECS IV+ tablet application, functional communication, developmental disorders, applied behavior analysis, case studies

Journal rubric: Applied Research

Article type: scientific article


Funding. The study was carried out with the financial support Sberbank Charitable Foundation “Contribution to the Future” within the framework of the project № 23-1-000122.

Received: 08.11.2023


For citation: Popova O.A., Filina N.M., Shvedovskiy E.F., Dubovitskaya T.D., Edigareva V.D. The Use of a PECS-based Electronic Communication Application in Working with Children with Developmental Disabilities. Case Study [Elektronnyi resurs]. Klinicheskaia i spetsial'naia psikhologiia = Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 2023. Vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 73–92. DOI: 10.17759/cpse.2023120404. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Olga A. Popova, director, NPO «Inclusive center “My Planet”», clinical psychologist, behavioral specialist, ORCID:, e-mail:

Nadezhda M. Filina, clinical manager, NPO “My Planet”, teacher-psychologist, behavioral specialist, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Evgeniy F. Shvedovskiy, methodologist of the Federal Resource Center for Organization of Comprehensive Support to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, researcher of the Laboratory of Comprehensive Language Research in Children with Autism & Developmental Disorders, executive secretary of the Journal "Autism & Developmental Disorders", Moscow State University of Psychology & Education; junior researcher of the laboratory of clinical psychology, Mental Health Research Center; Neuropsychologist, Center of Health & Development of St.Luke; neuropsychologist, ABA-Center "My Planet", Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Tatyana D. Dubovitskaya, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology and Defectology, Sochi State University, Sochi, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Victoria D. Edigareva, Curator of Behavioral Intervention Programs, Inclusive Center “My Planet”, Sochi, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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