Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy
2019. Vol. 27, no. 3, 77–96
ISSN: 2075-3470 / 2311-9446 (online)
Information Space of a Transitive Society: Challenges and Prospects
General Information
Keywords: informational identity, emotional well-being, rigid and fluid transitivity, on-line and off-line communication
Journal rubric: Empirical Researches
Article type: scientific article
Acknowledgements. The study is supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project 19-18-00516 “Transitive and virtual spaces: common and different features”.
For citation: Martsinkovskaya T.D. Information Space of a Transitive Society: Challenges and Prospects. Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2019. Vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 77–96. DOI: 10.17759/cpp.2019270306. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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