Lifintseva A.A., Kholmogorova A.B. Family factors of psychosomatic disorders in children and adolescents pp. 70–83 PDF (in rus.) 6412
Melehin A. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy sleep disorders in elderly and senile age pp. 84–103 PDF (in rus.) 5745
Zakharova E.I., Chouvaeva A.S. Psychological component of "recurrent miscarriage" pp. 104–115 PDF (in rus.) 1951
Khain A.E. Psychological aspects of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation pp. 116–125 PDF (in rus.) 729
Krasnova-Goleva V.V. Social cognition in anxiety disorders (review of foreing studies) pp. 153–165 PDF (in rus.) 1237
Dolnykova A., Demidova L.Y. The professional ideas' influence on the perception of the image of a mentally ill person pp. 166–176 PDF (in rus.) 1261
Suroegina A.Y., Kholmogorova A.B. The parents' adaptation to chronic disease of child by the example of the spinale cord injury and the cerebral palsy of teens and toung people pp. 177–195 PDF (in rus.) 1152