What does a client receive from a psychotherapist?



In this article the authors, developing the thesis of the therapeutic interaction as unconventional social communicative practice, answer on two questions: "What kind of communication that does not lead to giving advice?" and "What, then, gives psychologist-psychotherapist (if anything does) to the client?". According to the authors' trialogical approach to psychotherapy and counseling the degree of personalization-personification of the participants' mental structures in the communication is main differentiating parameter. The representations of the five levels of psychotherapeutic communication showed that the therapeutic (personified) communication is characterized by the primacy of listening on speaking and emotional content (emotions and feelings) on the cognitive content (data, information), as well as unconditional regard, empathy, congruence and ... covenant; whereas the conventional (personalized) communication, in contrast, is characterized by the primacy of speaking on listening and cognitive content on the emotional content, judgments, unempathy, incongruence, and as a result the advisе.

General Information

Keywords: psychologist-psychotherapist , client, psychotherapy, advice, trialogical approach to psychotherapy and counseling

Journal rubric: Theory and Methodology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Orlov A.B., Orlova N.A., Permogorskij M.S. What does a client receive from a psychotherapist?. Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2012. Vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 41–65. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Alexandr B. Orlov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor at the Psychology faculty, . The head of the Institute of Practical Psychology, Director of "Trialog" counselling centre., Moscow, Russia, e-mail: aorlov@hse.ru

N. A. Orlova, PhD in Psychology, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: orlova@trialog.ru

M. S. Permogorskij, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: mpermogorskiy@hse.ru



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