Psychological studies of male homosexual prostitution



The article deals with the phenomenon of male homosexual prostitution, which hasn’t been studied in Russia yet. It looks at classifications of such prostitution and its difference from female one. It also presents analysis of psychological research into the subject. The author speaks about various psychological and social factors linked with prostitution, such as psychic trauma and retraumatization, including violence and child abuse; borderline personality disorder; homelessness and substance abuse.

General Information

Keywords: male prostitution, sex workers, homosexuality, trauma, borderline personality disorder, homelessness, substance abuse, violence

Journal rubric: Workshop and Methods

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Maksimov A.M. Psychological studies of male homosexual prostitution. Konsul'tativnaya psikhologiya i psikhoterapiya = Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2011. Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 137–155. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Arseniy M. Maksimov, Ph.D. Student, Department of Clinical Psychology Counseling psychology chair, Moscow State University of psychology and education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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