Kholmogorova A.B. Two conflicting methodologies in the studies of psychotherapy and its efficacy: in search for a third way. Part 2. pp. 14–37 PDF (in rus.) 2392
Busygina N.P. The «Discursive turn» in the psychological studies of consciousness pp. 55–82 PDF (in rus.) 1645
Kopyev A.F. The need for psychological assistance in the context of dialogical approach pp. 83–102 PDF (in rus.) 2124
Mikhailova E.L. On the destiny of psychological practices, cultural contexts and the desemantisation trial pp. 103–120 PDF (in rus.) 658
Yakimova T.V. The cognitive addiction phenomenon in the development of intellectually gifted adolescents pp. 121–136 PDF (in rus.) 1247
Reshetnikov M.M. The psychology of catastrophe survivors (Organizational and methodological issues of the psychological assistance service) pp. 153–157 PDF (in rus.) 864
Arkhangelskaya V.V. Advisory psychology: on a way to a scientific speciality pp. 158–179 PDF (in rus.) 1265
Fedunina N.Y., Chursina E.A. The image of phone counseling service in Russia as reflected in the media and the workers’ reminiscene pp. 180–199 PDF (in rus.) 4010
Vinogradova Е.L. Coaching and psychotherapy: the intersection possibilities of the practices pp. 200–219 PDF (in rus.) 3585
Piskunova M.V., Mazaeva E.S. Conference «Advisory psychology: educational standards and a certification pp. 220–223 PDF (in rus.) 707