Promotion of scientific concept formation and acquisition in classroom — shown at the example of health concept



In the contribution at the example of the health concept and its specification for nutrition and exercise it is shown that applying the classroom-strategy ascending from the abstract to the concrete will enable fourth graders to overcome every day's thinking and to reach a scientific level of concept formation. With means of a classroom intervention-study could be shown that the intervention group showed clear advantages concerning the reached level of concept formation, knowledge transfer, descending autonomous thinking and changes in motivational orientation concerning health behavior, compared with the control-group, that points to a suc¬cessfully conceptual change.

General Information

Keywords: theoretical thinking, the transition from the empirical to the theoretical type of thinking (Conceptual Change), developing training, educational activity, modeling, concept, health

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Hintze K., Giest H. Promotion of scientific concept formation and acquisition in classroom — shown at the example of health concept . Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2014. Vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 110–120. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

K. Hintze, PhD in Education, e-mail:

Hartmut Giest, Doctor of Education, Full professor at the University of Potsdam., Potsdam, Germany, e-mail:



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