In Memory of V.P. Zinchenko, a Man of Great Wisdom


General Information

Journal rubric: Memorable Dates

Article type: essay

For citation: Petrenko V.F. In Memory of V.P. Zinchenko, a Man of Great Wisdom. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2014. Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 9–12. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


  1. Zinchenko V.P. Zhivoe znanie. Psikhologicheskaya peda- gogika [Living knowledge. Psychological pedagogy]. Samara, 1997. 216 p.
  2. Zinchenko V.P. Posoh Mandel'shtama i trubka Mamardashvili. K nachalam organicheskoj psikhologii [Staff Mandelstam and tube  Mamardashvili. By the beginning of organic psychology]. Moscow: Novaya shkola, 1997. 335 p.
  3. Zinchenko V.P. Soznanie i tvorcheskij akt [Conscious- ness and the creative act]. Moscow: Publ. "Yazyki slavyanskih kul'tur", 2010. 592 p.
  4. Rabinovich V.L. Tainovidets i tainoderzhets: Skvoz' ter- miny — k zvezdam [Taynovidets and taynoderzhets: Through terms — to the Stars]. "Stil' myshleniia: problema istoricheskogo edinstva nauchnogo znaniia. K 80-letiiu Vladimira Petrovicha Zinchenko". Kollektivnaia monografiia ["Style of thinking: the problem of the historical unity of scientific knowledge. The 80th anniversary of Vladimir Petrovich Zinchenko. "Сollective mo- nograph]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2011, pp. 109—114.

Information About the Authors

Viktor F. Petrenko, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Psychology of Communication and Psychosemantics at the Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:



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