Cultural-Historical Psychology
2013. Vol. 9, no. 3, 31–37
ISSN: 1816-5435 / 2224-8935 (online)
'Human Mind' or 'Human Mental Body'?
General Information
Keywords: mental body; general psychology; personality psychology; 'I' and 'Mine'; 'other than scientific' method; causal logic and teleology; determination and freedom.
Journal rubric: Discussions and Discourses
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Melik-Pashaev A.A. 'Human Mind' or 'Human Mental Body'?. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2013. Vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 31–37. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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