Letters to Lana Lipchina from Kharkov



The editorial staff of the Journal of Cultural-Historical Psychology has decided to publish the letters of Alexander Luria to his future wife Lana Lipchina so that our readers would have the opportunity to get acquainted with some important evidence concerning Luria's life and work in Kharkov, his study at the medical institute together with Vygotsky, discussions about various clinical cases. It is also important that these letters reveal Luria's emotional state throughout this difficult Kharkov period acting as his live voice. The letters are reproduced as published in the book by the scientist's daughter Elena Luria, My Father A.R. Luria, which since its edition in 1994 (Gnosis publishing house) has become a bibliographical rarity. They comprise the sixth chapter of the book (pp. 78—88). A preface by Elena Luria that preceded the publication of the letters is fully reproduced here as well. As one can learn from this preface, only parts of some letters written by Alexander Luria and Lana Lipchina in 1933— 34 were included in the book. The comments to the letters are given page by page and the authors specified as follows: E.L. — Elena Luria (all original comments to the letters are reproduced in this current reissue wherever possible), T.A. — Tatiana Akhutina, A.Y. — Anton Yasnitsky.

General Information

Journal rubric: Memorable Dates

Article type: correspondence

For citation: Luria A.R. Letters to Lana Lipchina from Kharkov. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2012. Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 11–19. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Alexander R. Luria, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Education, Professor. Full member (academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR



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