Congratulations on the 80th anniversary of professor V.M. Munipov



March 31, 2011 its 80th anniversary noted outstanding domestic psychologist, doctor of psychology, member of the RAO, the founder of ergonomic science in Russia, professor of ergonomics MIREA, a member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals, such as "Questions of Psychology," "Cultural-Historical Psychology"," Applied Ergonomics "and many others (including international) journals, Vladimir Munipov. Hero of the day greeted friends and colleagues from around the world.

General Information

Journal rubric: Memorable Dates

Article type: congratulation

For citation: Rubtsov V.V., Solovyev B., Salvendi G., Bradley G., Slovikovsky E., Luczak H., Koradecka D., Sheinberger R., Samoylov K. Congratulations on the 80th anniversary of professor V.M. Munipov. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2011. Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 22–36. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)

Information About the Authors

Vitaliy V. Rubtsov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, President, Head of the International UNESCO Chair «Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood», Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), President of the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:

Boris Solovyev, PhD in Engineering, Designer, founder and head of the first soviet engineering design project bureau (1945—1962), Founder and head of the Soviet Scientific-Research Institute of technical Aesthetics (1962—1987). Vice-president (1969—1976) and then the president of the International Organization for Industrial Design (1976—1987), member of the Senate of that organization (since 1981), founder and chairman of the USSR Society of Soviet Designers (1987—1990), USSR people's deputy, vice chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet commission on culture (1989— 1991), Russia

Gavriel Salvendi, the world famous American specialist in ergonomics and industrial engineering, professor at the Purdue University (USA), head of the chair at the Industrial engineering faculty of the Tsinghua University (China). Author of 430 scientific publications including 28 books. Compiler, editor and author of two international fundamental manuals on ergonomics and engineering that run into three editions., USA

Gunilla Bradley, Professor of the Royal Technological Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), outstanding ergonomist and specialist in the sphere of social aspects of informational technologies development, one of the founders of «Silicon Valley» in Sweden. In 1989 she was granted the title of «The Woman professional of the year in Sweden». Author of a well-known book «The Convergence theory in ITC, Society and Human Beings»., Stockholm, Sweden

Ezhi Slovikovsky, an outstanding ergonomist, combining three talented scientists in one person: working as an engi-neer, designer and ergonomist., Warsaw, Poland

Hogler Luczak, Hounoured head of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (Aahen, Germany). President of the Ergonomic Association, author of more than 580 scientific publications. Owing to his outstanding contribution into different areas of scientific and engineering research he is sometimes called «contemporary Leibnitz» in Germany., Aahen, Germany

Danuta Koradecka, Director of the Central Institute for Labour Protection (Warsaw, Poland), professor, outstanding scientist in the spheres of labour protection and ergonomics, expert of the World health organization and the World labour organization, coordinator of national programs «Adaptation of labour conditions in Poland to the European Union standards» and «Improvement of labour and health protection». Founder and unchallenged editor-in-chief of «Labour protection and ergonomics» journal., Warsaw, Poland

Roman Sheinberger, Professor, head of the chair, scientific advisor of Ergonomics laboratory of the Ufa Aviation Institute (1970—1999), head of the leading department of ergonomics of the USSR Ministry of Oil Production at the Soviet Scientific-research Center of oil production geophysics in Ufa (1982—1985), since 2003 — scientific advisor of the Center for ergonomic support in the spheres of law, education and consumer services (Haifa, Israel). Writer, poet, author of essays., Haifa, Israel

Konstantin Samoylov, former V. V. Munipov's Ph.D student, researcher of «human and computer» systems in the Google company (London, UK)., London, Great Britain



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