The form and contents of scenic art at the elementary school age


The article discusses scenic art as the cultural form that allows a human to reveal the source of meanings in him(her)self. At the elementary school age scenic art is possible within an adult-child community. The article proves that this activity is a procreative one: it creates meanings. Meanings embody in an actors expressiveness that is treated as the contents of scenic art. The article describes the process of meanings «extraction” from the action: dramatization (meaningful situation) – discussion of alternative ways of dramatization (situation of statement of meaning) – dramatization transfer into written form (situation of reflection on the statement of meaning). Search for expressive means during an improvisation and the following discussion of expressive means used for translation of a certain meaning help children to pay attention to their own expression. Attention to one’s own expression then becomes a “functional organ” for revealing one’s own meanings.

General Information

Keywords: scenic art, form and contents, meaning, an actor’s expressivity, unified creative organism, written statement, process of meanings extraction, meaningful situation, situation of statement of meaning, situation of reflection on the statement of meaning

Journal rubric: Empirical Research

For citation: Staragina I.P. The form and contents of scenic art at the elementary school age. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya = Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2010. Vol. 6, no. 1 (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Irina P. Staragina, PhD in Psychology, The head of the research department, independent educational and research centre “Developmental Learning”, Russia, e-mail:



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