Development of the Mathematical Representations in Children with ASD. Practical Case



The process of teaching children with autism spectrum disorders and mental disorders requires well-prepared environment and organization of the behavior of children. Additionally, this process requires teachers to make efforts to apply special working methods, adapt teaching materials and socialization measures. Currently, preschool educational institutions develop inclusive groups rapidly. The case of teaching a 6-year-old non-verbal boy with ASD to elementary mathematical concepts by the special teacher of a preschool educational institution in is presented. Guided by the principle of gradualness, the teacher included the child in group of normotypical peers. Using motivational techniques, prompts, modeling, the teacher normalized the boy’s behavior. To form elementary mathematical concepts, the teacher developed a step-by-step work plan. This plan involved implementation of PECS alternative communication system and the NUMIKON multi-sensory manual. NUMIKON helps to motivate and educate the child, develops sensory skills, communication, consolidate and generalize the acquired skills. As a result of application of presented training block the child gives 90% of the correct independent answers (according to the protocols of classes). Observations of the child in the preschool educational institution and a survey of parents showed that the frequency of episodes of undesirable behavior has decreased, the child is willingly included in the group of normotypical peers.

General Information

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders; development of elementary mathematical representations; PECS; NUMIKON manual; preschool inclusive educational environment; nonverbal child

Article type: scientific article


Received: 22.02.2022


For citation: Kudacheva N.I. Development of the Mathematical Representations in Children with ASD. Practical Case. Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2022. Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 57–62. DOI: 10.17759/autdd.2022200107. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Natalia I. Kudacheva, special teacher, Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten of Lenino village, Au- tonomous non-profit association of preschool education “Inclusive rehabilitation and Habilitation Center “Under the protec- tion of love”, Penza, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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