Elena L. Grigorenko

Elena L. Grigorenko

PsyJournalsID: 2498

PhD, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Houston; Houston, TX, USA; Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia; Professor and Acting Director, Center for Cognitive Sciences, Sirius University of Science and Technology, Federal territory "Sirius", Russia; Adjunct Professor, Child Study Center and Adjunct Senior Research Scientist, Haskins Laboratories, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; Research Certified Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Member of the editorial boards of the journals “Clinical and Special Educatiom”, “Experimental Psychology” and “Psychological Science and Education”, Houston, USA, elena.grigorenko@times.uh.edu, elena.grigorenko@yale.edu

Personal site: http://medicine.yale.edu/childstudy/faculty_people/elena_grigorenko.profile

ORCID: 0000-0001-9646-4181

Last updated: 03.02.2025


Dr. Elena L. Grigorenko received her Ph.D. in general psychology from Moscow State University, Russia, in 1990, and her Ph.D. in developmental psychology and genetics from Yale University, United States, in 1996. Dr. Grigorenko has published more than 350 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and books. She has received awards for her work from five different divisions of the American Psychological Association (Divisions 1, 7, 10, 15, and 24). She also won the APA Distinguished Award for Early Career Contribution to Developmental Psychology and the AERA Sylvia Scribner Award for research representing significant advancement in the understanding of learning and instruction. Dr. Grigorenko has worked with children and their families in the United States as well as in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar, the Gambia, and Zambia), India, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Her research has been funded by the NIH, NSF, NIJ, DOE, and other federal and private sponsoring organizations.

Education & Training

PhD Yale University (1996)
PhD Moscow State University (1990)

International Activity

  • Zambia, disabilities Zambia (2010)

    Reading Disabilities in Zambian children


  • Russia, developmental disorders Russia (2010)

    Genetic Bases of Developmental Language Disorders


  • Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia (2010)

    Etiological Bases of Giftedness


  • Education Quality for All Ghana (2008)

    This was a large-scale project designed to evaluate types and quantities of children with special educational needs both in and out of school in Ghana, as well as to assist in developing policies for providing services for these children. The project has been completed.