Component Design Heuristics as a Tool of Digital Didactics



The digitalization education challenges (clip thinking, rhizomatism of truth, etc.) determine the teaching paradigm transformation, transforming the established approach to the management of educational and cognitive activities of young people. Mastering the concepts of a scientific field or academic discipline is considered as an imperative of observing the scientific principle in the educational process. From the standpoint of modern ideas of cognitive sciences, a heuristic of component-wise construction of concepts by learners with exteriorization-interiorization through an Mind Map in the form of a semantic network is proposed and characterized.

General Information

Keywords: digitalization of education, educational and cognitive activities, pedagogical heuristics, component-wise construction, mastering concepts, mind map, semantic network

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Punchyk V.N. Component Design Heuristics as a Tool of Digital Didactics. Digital Humanities and Technology in Education (DHTE 2021): Collection of Articles of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. November 11-12, 2021 / V.V. Rubtsov, M.G. Sorokova, N.P. Radchikova (Eds). Moscow: Publishing house MSUPE, 2021., pp. 146–154.


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Information About the Authors

Veranika N. Punchyk, PhD in Education, Minsk, Belarus, e-mail:



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