On the Socio-Psychological Portrait of Future Teachers in the “Psychological-Educational Studies” Journal

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The first issue of the journal “Psychological-Educational Studies” (No. 1-2024) in 2024 has been published. Traditionally, the issue presents two sections. In the “Educational Psychology” section, the results of the study were published on the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and belief in the paranormal as personal resources for solving social problems by students; the study of students' perception of teamwork in distance education and motivational factors that influence the academic success of students in different forms of education.

In the “Developmental Psychology” section, the results were published of research on the relationship between perceptions of the future and different types of perceptions of adulthood revealed through the artistic image on samples of adolescents and young adults; the relationship between the characteristics of video games and individual psychological characteristics of students. The section provides insight into the results of a survey of parents related to the use of board and digital games by preschool children.

The full issue of the journal is available freely on the  Psychological Publications Portal PsyJournals.ru
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