Call for papers Special issue "A Closer Look at the Applications and Implications of Positive Emotions in Second/Foreign Language Classrooms"

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Many L2 researchers to date have studied the implications of teachers’ and students’ emotions in different language education environments. Nonetheless, as the review of the relevant literature suggests, the majority of scholars have focused on the consequences of negative emotions, leaving a broad range of positive emotions unconsidered. To bridge the gap in the pertinent literature, the present special issue aims to bring together research studies assessing the role of positive emotions in language classrooms. More precisely, this special issue seeks to collect studies that probe into the applications and implications of positive emotions in second and foreign language classes.

Second and foreign language education is an emotional process accompanied by various positive and negative emotions. While positive emotions, including hope, happiness, enjoyment, motivation, pride, and satisfaction, can facilitate the language education process, negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, stress, depression, apprehension, fear, and frustration may impede this process and result in undesired educational outcomes. Due to the integral role of emotions in the language education process, studying the applications or implications of positive and negative emotions in the language education settings seems imperative.

We welcome original research, intervention-based studies, critical reports, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. In terms of research design, we are looking for in-depth qualitative studies, large-scale quantitative investigations, and mixed-methods research. Regarding the design of studies in this area, they can be experimental, qualitative exploration of a few cases in detail, large-scale quantitative exploration of correlational or cause-effect relationships, or mixed methods research studies.

Deadline for submission: November 15, 2024

Instructions for Authors:

About Guest Editors

Dr. Ali Derakhshan (Iran) is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at the English Language and Literature Department, at Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran. He has been a member of the Iranian Elites Foundation since 2015. He has also been selected as a distinguished researcher by the Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran in 2021. His name appeared in Stanford University’s list of world’s top 2% of most influential scientists in 2022 and 2023. He has published in accredited international journals. His monograph The “5Cs” Positive Teacher Interpersonal Behaviors: Implications for learner empowerment and learning in an L2 context was published by Springer in 2022. His co-authored book Instructed second language pragmatics for the speech acts of request, apology, and refusal: A meta-analysis has been recently published by Springer. His research interests are positive psychology, teacher education, learner individual differences, cross-cultural interpersonal factors in educational psychology, interlanguage pragmatics, and intercultural communication.

Dr. Yongliang Wang (China) works as an Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics at the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Nanjing Normal University, China. His name was listed in the Highly Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier in 2022. He has been focusing his research on the theory and practice of EFL teaching and learning, EFL teachers’ professional development, as well as semiotics and intercultural studies. He serves as an editorial member for Current Psychology, Porta Linguarum, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion and Language Related Journal and a peer reviewer for at least 20 SSCI-indexed journals. Thus far, he has published over 60 papers in an EFL education context, most of which are SSCI-indexed journals. He has led 14 research projects on EFL teaching and learning of various levels. Currently, he is focusing his attention on the interface between positive psychology and EFL teaching and learning.

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