Thematic Issues of the Journal "Social Psychology and Society": Looking for Authors

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The Editorial Board of the journal "Social Psychology and Society" invites specialists to take an active part in the preparation of thematic issues:

"Social Psychology of Health", planned for publication in June 2023. The issue will be devoted to the socio-psychological aspects of human health and society: analysis of socio-psychological factors in the etiology of various diseases and behavioral disorders; studying health and illness behaviors, including health-seeking behavior; the study of socio-psychological aspects of the development and implementation of preventive interventions in the field of health, the analysis of approaches to assess the quality of preventive programs in line with evidence-based prevention, and other articles in the field of social psychology of health.

Manuscript Submission Deadline is April 15, 2023.

"Social Psychology of Childhood, Adolescence, Youth", planned for publication in September 2023. The issue will be devoted to socio-psychological research of childhood, adolescence, and youth: the study of all stages of the socialization process, which has a lot of aspects of consideration and is the subject of various specializations of psychology. We hope that the articles in this issue will reflect the diversity of the study of childhood, adolescence, and youth.

Manuscript Submission Deadline is June 15, 2023.

"The Psychological State of Modern Society in a Situation of Uncertainty", planned for publication in December 2023. The issue will be devoted to socio-psychological research on the most actual problems of modern society, which is going through a difficult period of instability and uncertainty, socio-psychological prerequisites for the viability of large social groups in these conditions, studies of the dynamics of the psychological state of an individual, a group and society during the experience of a difficult-to-control threat, clarification of scientific ideas about the impact of the militarization of society on the economic and political attitudes of an individual, clarification of the socio-psychological prerequisites for overcoming dehumanization and intergroup tension, identification of factors of consolidation and social optimism in a crisis.

Manuscript Submission Deadline is September 15, 2023.


Manuscript Requirements:

Language of publication: Russian (for Russian and foreign authors) and English (only for foreign authors).

Volume: from 20,000 to 40,000 characters (with spaces) of a Russian text including a List of Sources or an English text with References – for foreign authors.

Text formatting: see the style file of the journal ꞌꞌSocial Psychology and Societyꞌꞌ 

All direct interaction with the authors regarding the text submitted for consideration is further carried out through MSUPE Online Publishing System 

We look forward to cooperating on thematic issues.

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