


The present paper picks up the controversial discussion about ADS/ ADHS in Germany. In analyzing the different point of views it can be shown that the medical as well as the pedagogical and psychological search for causes are lacking a theoretical and methodological basis especially concerning the de- velopment of attention. In contrast to these research approaches the Activity Theory of Leont’ev and the Developmental Theory of Vygotskij give important clues to what is fundamental for understanding development and developmen- tal disorders. These authors agree in stating that a non-deterministic theory of the develop- ment of psyche and psychic functions like attention has to realize that physiol- ogy is only a basis that has to be actuated by acquisition culture in order to be transformed into mental abilities. It has to be emphasized that inadequate structures in acquisition of mental abilities are not to be understood as deficits but as individual forms of self realisation. They can be explained by a systemic view on development, by Vygotskijs metaphor of the two lines of development and by using the activity theory as a methodological means in explaining the development dynamics by the categories of motive and action, personal sense and societal meaning as self reproducing conflicts. It can be shown that social contradictions as well as the quality of interaction and the child’s self realizing of an own life style have to be viewed in a systemic context in order to under- stand the development of attention abilities. But even if children suffer from developmental disorders, they are able to heal themselves, if they will be helped to practise in another way than they are used to

General Information

Article type: editorial note

For citation: Liebrand M. Vorbemerkungen [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 6, pp. 9–21.

Information About the Authors

Margarete Liebrand, learning therapist in private practice, private assistant at the Institute for Teacher training and School development, Hamburg, research associate and instructress in Teacher training in Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover., Hamburg, Germany, e-mail: margareteliebrand@alice-dsl.de



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