Learning in the context of life



This paper deals with first steps in trying to develop an interpreting frame for problems in learning that are relevant in therapeutic work with children who show reading and writing difficulties. It is presumed, that it may be necessary to extend the interpretation of the abstract concept of activity (Tätigkeit) by re-interpreting practically oriented research concerning learning difficulties. As a result of the re-interpreting studies there are a lot of open questions in research concerning the systemic relationship between activity, actions and operations as well as meaning and sense. The importance of basic processes in perception is still unsolved. Viewing the process of appropriation as being an object-oriented and a person-oriented sense-building process seems to have relevance for understanding learning problems. But up to now, there is scarcely research with empirical orientation that is focused on the development of learning reading and writing as a process of construction. Leont’evs conceptualization on the relationship between psyche (Bewusstsein) and consciousness (Bewusstheit) is discussed as well as the assumption of open potentials in development.

General Information

Keywords: Aufmerksamkeit, Bedeutung, Bewusstsein, Bewusstheit, Blicksprünge, Entwicklung, Hirnentwicklung, Fähigkeiten, Hirnentwicklung, Gene

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Liebrand M. Learning in the context of life [Elektronnyi resurs]. Tätigkeitstheorie: E-Journal for Activity Theoretical Research in Germany, 2011. no. 3, pp. 59–76.


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Information About the Authors

Margarete Liebrand, learning therapist in private practice, private assistant at the Institute for Teacher training and School development, Hamburg, research associate and instructress in Teacher training in Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover., Hamburg, Germany, e-mail: margareteliebrand@alice-dsl.de



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