Psychology and Law
2020. Vol. 10, no. 1, 92–102
ISSN: 2222-5196 (online)
Emotional Iintelligence and Creativity: Relation and Interaction on the Example of Different Categories of Convicts
General Information
Keywords: antisocial creativity, convicts, scammers, violent criminals, emotional intelligence, hostility.
Journal rubric: Penitentiary Psychology and Penal Practice
Article type: scientific article
Acknowledgements. The author expresses gratitude to N.V. Meshkova, M.G. Debolsky and A.A. Maslennkov for consultations and help in the study.
For citation: Bochkova M.N. Emotional Iintelligence and Creativity: Relation and Interaction on the Example of Different Categories of Convicts [Elektronnyi resurs]. Psikhologiya i pravo = Psychology and Law, 2020. Vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 92–102. DOI: 10.17759/psylaw.2020100108. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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