2007. Vol. 4, no. 4, 75–79
The Influence of Religious and Esoteric Doctrines on The Development of Psychology
It is the author's opinion that the differentiation of scientific and religious doctrines lies in the ways they answer the question about the determinants of human activity. Theologians' works, multitudes of ethic principles, complex models and principles of analysis stated in religious and esoteric doctrines are taken as the positive influence factors. Religious doctrines' aspiration for monopolization of rights of the knowledge about the sense of human life and about the basis of the ethic rules are taken as the negative influence factors.
General Information
Journal rubric: Theoretical-Empirical Studies
For citation: Serkin V.P. The Influence of Religious and Esoteric Doctrines on The Development of Psychology. Psychology, 2007. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 75–79. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
Information About the Authors
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