Exploring and Measuring Giftedness and Creativity with the Berlin Intelligence Structure Test


This article aims at introducing the Berlin Intelligence Structure test for the diagnosis of giftedness (BIS HB; Jдger, Holling, Preckel, Schulze, Vock, SuЯ & Beauducel, 2005). Based on the underlying facet model of Jдger (e. g., 1967, 1982), the BIS HB is the latest version of a sequence of developed instruments, and it meets high standards of test construction and validation. The test is especially suitable for the identification of high intelligence and allows for the assessment of a broad range of abilities. A particular emphasis of this article is on the psychological construct of creativity, which has long been the focus of both theoreticians and psychometricians (e. g., Sternberg & Lubart, 1999). Creativity is firmly founded within the BIS model, and thus the exploration of research questions linking the constructs of (academic) intelligence and creativity is made possible.

General Information

Journal rubric: Theoretical-Empirical Studies

For citation: Freund F., Holling H. Exploring and Measuring Giftedness and Creativity with the Berlin Intelligence Structure Test . Psychology, 2005. Vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 81–93. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Filipp Alexander Freund, Trainee at the Munster University. Research fellow at prof. H.Holling research group., Germany, e-mail: pafreund@uni-muenster.de

Heinz Holling, Professor in statistics and methodology at the Psychology faculty, Munster University, Editor of the journal "Zeitschrift fur Psychologie", Germany, e-mail: holling@psy.uni-muenster.de



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