The Method of “Personality’s Hierarchy” and Its Potential The Method of “Personality’s Hierarchy” and Its Potential



The paper presents the method “Personality’s Hierarchy” created to examine such personality’s levels as spirituality, soulfulness and corporeality. The data obtained with the help of the method allows the researcher to determine the dominant trends in the individual and their hierarchy. The inventory includes 31 items with the three possible types of answers that correspond to three levels in the individual: spiritual, soulful and physical. The contents, standardization, external and construct validity of the method are validated by the study conducted among different groups of participants: 186 girls and boys were in the 17-20 years age group, 68 men and women were in the group of 21–35 year olds, and 33 men and women were in the group of 36–55 year olds. It is concluded that this technique can be used in different groups of respondents since it was validated on the polymorphic sample.

General Information

Keywords: personality, hierarchy, spirituality, soulfulness, corporeality, diagnostics, method, validity, standardization

Journal rubric: History of Psychology

Article type: scientific article

For citation: Morozova E.A., Ustyuzhaninova E.N., Shestun E.V., Podorovskaya I.A. The Method of “Personality’s Hierarchy” and Its Potential The Method of “Personality’s Hierarchy” and Its Potential. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2010. Vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 69–81. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Elena A. Morozova, Associate professor, chair of pedagogics and psychology, Samara Institute of professional development and advanced training of educators, Samara, Russia

Elena N. Ustyuzhaninova, PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer, Chair of General and Social Psychology, Samarabranch, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Samara, Russia, e-mail:

Evgeniy V. Shestun, Doctor of Education, Full Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Inter-University Chair of Orthodox Pedagogy and Psychology, Samara Orthodox Theological Seminary, e-mail:

Irina A. Podorovskaya, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, the Inter-University Chair, Orthodox Pedagogy and Psychology, Samara Orthodox Theological Seminary, Samara, Russia, e-mail:



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