Peculiarities of colaborative activity in older preschoolers with normal and retarded psychophysical development



Non-participant observation was applied to study behavioral habits of senior preschoolers with normal (20 pairs) and retarded development (20 pairs) in collaborative play with a peer or when drawing a picture and constructing a model as per sample. It was revealed that in spontaneously emergent educational environments, children with mental retardation are able to interact only coactively, which implies the following: centration of a child on his/her action program; poor partner orientation; lack of actions rearrangement or interchange, i.e. actual relationships; substantial gap between speech and object-practical components of interaction; prepotency of “And me,…-type dialogues. That is attributed both to cognitive defect and low level of rational programming, control, communication, cooperation, reflexion, and voluntary regulation. Qualitative differences in coactive interaction in children with normal and retarded development are shown. The reasons why productive tasks performing is impossible for children with mental retardation, as well as the causes of emerging conflicts are analyzed.

General Information

Keywords: communicative activity, preschoolers with mental retardation, dialogical interaction, cooperation and communication

Journal rubric: Developmental Psychology

For citation: Zarechnaya A.A. Peculiarities of colaborative activity in older preschoolers with normal and retarded psychophysical development. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie = Psychological Science and Education, 2009. Vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 25–33. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)


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Information About the Authors

Anna A. Zarechnaya, PhD in Psychology, Research, Center of Pediatric Neuropsychology named after A.R. Luria, Moscow, Russia, ORCID:, e-mail:



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