Chursanov S.A. Theological comprehension of human being as image of God and anthropological models of Christian psychology pp. 62–80 PDF (in rus.) 1266
Nikitina S.V. Understanding of love and humility in the theological thought archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) pp. 81–100 PDF (in rus.) 765
Krasnikova O.M. Christian values in the spiritually oriented psychotherapy and counseling pp. 101–112 PDF (in rus.) 1500
Legostaeva M.V. Formation of the Christian worldview as a component psychotherapeutic process pp. 113–132 PDF (in rus.) 839
Kogan I.M. The influence of the psychologist's personality in counseling: using the example of two cases pp. 133–142 PDF (in rus.) 1408
Filonik M.S. Experience in counselling at the church: the case analysis with intrapersonal conflict pp. 143–157 PDF (in rus.) 1121
Ruslina A.O. Periodization of mourning process in psychology in comparison with main postulates of orthodox theology pp. 185–212 PDF (in rus.) 6718