Autism and Developmental Disorders
2019. Vol. 17, no. 4, 29–34
ISSN: 1994-1617 / 2413-4317 (online)
Organization of the Process of Teaching Figure Skating Classes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
General Information
Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, adaptive sport, figure skating, autism, psychophysical development, training organization, mental deficits
Journal rubric: Education & Intervention Methods
Article type: scientific article
For citation: Sopov V.F., Shakirova A.V. Organization of the Process of Teaching Figure Skating Classes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders . Autizm i narusheniya razvitiya = Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2019. Vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 29–34. DOI: 10.17759/autdd.2019170404. (In Russ., аbstr. in Engl.)
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